King of Sloth by Ana Huang

Book Review #753

Title: King of Sloth

Author: Ana Huang

Publisher: Piatkus

Genres: Fiction, Romance

Format: Paperback

Source: Pansing

Publication Date: April 30, 2024

Pages: 464

My Rating: 4 STARS


He’d never wanted anyone enough to chase them…until he met her.

Charming, easygoing, and rich beyond belief, Xavier Castillo has the world at his fingertips.

He also has no interest in taking over his family’s empire (much to his father’s chagrin), but that hasn’t stopped women from throwing themselves at him…unless the woman in question is his publicist.

Nothing brings him more joy than riling her up, but when a tragedy forces them closer than ever, he must grapple with the uncertainty of his future―and the realization that the only person immune to his charms is the only one he truly wants.


Cool, intelligent, and ambitious, Sloane Kensington is a high-powered publicist who’s used to dealing with difficult clients.

However, none infuriate―or tempt―her more than a certain billionaire heir, with his stupid dimples and laid-back attitude.

She may be forced to work with him, but she’ll never fall for him…no matter how fast he makes her heart beat or how thoughtful he is beneath his party persona.

He’s her client, and that’s all he’ll ever be. Right?


King of Sloth by Ana Huang is a forced promixity romance where a client and a publicist work together on a daily basis. This is already the fourth couple in this series and honestly, the story doesn’t vary much but it was overall an enjoyable read.

This book probably has the least conflict regarding the couple but that doesn’t mean their background doesn’t make up for it. I like how they both grow together and move on from the past, constantly making sure they are always there when they are in need. Their romance is cute and it wasn’t huge like constant fireworks but instead it was about the small things that happen everyday in life.

The first time I saw the title for this book, I hated it and I still hate it. This is just a matter of preference but the word ‘sloth’ doesn’t define the story well and it’s so not catchy. This is probably the first time I actually commented on a book title but it really doesn’t bode well especially with the rest of the titles in this series.

All in all, I quite enjoyed reading this book and I recommend you to pick it up.

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